Consume anti ageing foods and stay away from ageing effect

Consume anti ageing foods and stay away from ageing effect

Everyone in this world wish to live long healthy life but truth is not match with our desire ,many health issues start in late 50's or 60's it depends on our lifestyle.
If we develop some healthy food habit along with some exercise we can definitely live healthy life for long.


Strong anti oxidant properties.

So here i am mentioning some healthy foods  to keep you healthy and young.
if we take  pomegranate on regular basis we can't have problem of anemia,never feel tired ,exusted because pomegranate has anti oxidant,anti viral properties and good source of vitamin A,vitamin C and vitamin E. it is required for keeping skin healthy and glowing.


Nuts is very good for health as well as for beauty so we should take it on daily basis,soak it in water for whole night and take it in morning specially walnuts, almond and raisin.walnut is a rich source of vitamin E which is good for heart.almond is good for brain and skin and for eye sight too.those having constipation issue they must consume raisin on daily basis, problem will vanish for ever.





sprouts have skin tightning properties which keep you away from ageing effect.if we include sprouts in our daily meal it will definitely keep us away from many diseases.


Oats have full of fiber which is required for healthy stomach,it control cholesterol also.


Garlic not only enhance the taste of our cuisine but it control high blood pressure,it develop immunity power in body and having anti ageing properties.

Oranges and lemon

we can develop our immunity power by consuming lemon and oranges on regular basis ,both has good souse of vitamin C which is required to fight against allergy. it is very good for skin tightening also.


In next part on same topic i will discuss about some more healthy foods till than stay healthy and keep sharing about your opinion.

you can read importance of Breakfast under below link:


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